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Sen Monorom

I am looking forward to viewing the forests, and the elephants in their native habitat and also doing a couple of volunteering sessions at the Elephant Valley Project in February 2020.

Learn About Sen Monorom


Finding social enterprises


I list below includes accommodation that is Cambodian owned, social enterprises, environmentally friendly and/or support the local community​

  • Avocado Guesthouse (us$15-us$30 per night) - Local Cambodian family-owned & run (Host: Huot Sotheraith). Located 150m from the centre of town. Air-conditioned rooms with private bathroom.

  • Indigenous Peoples Lodge (us$8-us$60 per night) - Local Cambodian family-owned & run. Located 1klm from the markets and surrounded by lush tropical plantation. Shared and private rooms.

  • Manel Guesthouse & Restaurant (us$15-us$18 per night) - Local Cambodian family-owned & run. Located 1.3 Klms from town. Fan cooled rooms with private bathroom.

  • Mayura Hills Resort (us$140+ per night) - Eco-social: Keep Mondulkiri clean campaign. Located 1.6 klms from town. Air-conditioning and a sparkling swimming pool.

  • Mondulkiri Nature Lodge (us$10-us$70 per night) - Social Enterprise: Eco-tourism Training Center. Located on a serene hillside above Sen Monorom. 2 klms from town (20-minute walk or 5-min drive).  Tents with shared bathroom and private bungalows.

  • Mondulkiri Pizza Bungalows - Local Cambodian family-owned & run. Located 600m from the centre of town. New bungalows, comfortable, clean with fan and private bathroom. 

  • Phanyro Guesthouse (us$8-us$20 per night) - Local Cambodian family-owned & run. Fan room bungalow with hot water shower and Free WIFI.

  • Tree Lodge Retreat (us$7-us$15 per night) - Local Cambodian family-owned & run by Mr Tree & his family. Located 1.5 klms from town. Bungalows with mosquito nets, private bathroom & hot shower. Mr Tree is also the founder of the Mondulkiri Elephant Project (NGO).


Sen Monorom is not a well-developed tourist destination but I found a few restaurants that appear to be locally-owned or training focused.



Elephant sanctuaries


Waterfalls (& distance from Sen Monorom town)



Bunong Kitchen - Crafts made by Bunong people from the local villages.

Sen Monorom Market - Many of the goods are from Vietnam as Sen Monorom is close to the Vietnam border.



Transportation options include: Tuk tuk (Remork moto), Cyclo, Bus, Taxi and Train (very limited).

For travel to/from Sen Monorom in Mondulkiri province and other provinces, the most economical mode of transport is by VIP-van or a night bus.


There are a few companies that offer transport to/from Phnom Penh and Sen Mororom. More information.


And only two companies for travel from Sen Monorom to Siem Reap​


If you are travelling with a small group of people, a private taxi may be a good option as you can share the cost. 


If you want to book your transport in advance, the easiest way to do it is online.
Note: You need to enter Mondulkiri, not Sen Monorom.  


For journeys around Sen Monorom, walking is the main mode of transportation to experience the forests and waterfalls. You will find tuk-tuks hanging around in the town and you can book motorbike taxis through your hotel/guesthouse.​


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© 2019 Jennip98. 


This website is simply a brief glimpse of what to do and see from my perspective, not an exhaustive list. If I have visited a place and would recommend it, I have included that information in the relevant text. If I have visited a place that I would not recommend, I do not include it on this website. I am aware that there are many more locally owned businesses, social enterprises, and non-profit organisations in the destinations mentioned that I am not familiar with and have not included on this website. Unfortunately, I can not visit them all.


I do not receive or accept commissions, discounts or any other benefits from any of the organisations mentioned on this website.

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